Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A brief update!

Wow! I haven't looked at this screen in a long time! (That would be the blank screen of my blog page) I have had many blog poata run through my mind in the past 2 months but have yet to put them into words and on the internet.
So...here is a very brief update on me and all of my Whos!
Mr. Who- has finished his second semester of online classes and in the beginning of his third! Woohoo...so proud of him!
Ms. Karlee Who- has begun her fourth grade year in school.  She is really getting into softball (my heart is jumping for joy) and has joined a travel ball team. She is growing up way to fast and trying to be much older than she really is! I am attaching a picture of her latest addition of things taped to her door.
Tanner Who- has started going to school!  Well as far as he is concerned...he is attending a 3 day a week 1/2 day program at Rincon First Baptist. Thanks to Granddaddy and Grandpa for getting him there and picking him up! Oh yeah he is a full blown Ninja Turtle lover (much like his daddy was). We have Ninja Turtle bed set,  Ninja turtle t-phones, nunchucks, swords, & eye masks. He walks around with his eye mask on, his sword in the back of his shirt, and his t-phones & nunchucks in his pockets!  Hilarious. ..I am posting one of our pictures.
Easton Who- is growing  up too! He still won't talk much...but he is a goofy little boy. By far our silliest child yet! Can't wait to see how he grows and who he becomes!  Right now he absolutely loves Tanner and copies him all the time! Oh yeah & he likes helping me clean...I know it won't last long so I am taking pictures of it now!
As for me I have begun my first year as a second grade teacher. Yes this is my 4th grade change in 5 years of teaching! ! Its been alot to get used to but  ao far I am enjoying it. God is working and moving in my life and I cannot wait to see what He has in store for me next!
Well that's all I have for tonight. Here is to hoping I can do this more!