Sunday, June 30, 2013

This is the day that the Lord has made!

Well got the privilege to go to PBC this morning & worship my Lord & Savior with my church family. I was wanting to try to do things differently this morning since I have started reading Parenting in the Pew. Didn't quite go exactly as I was hoping but did take some baby steps to implement some things I have found in the first few chapters.  God has really convicted me not only of how I am leading my children in Him but how I am personally worshipping Him! I thought I was reading the book to give me ideas & guidance in reference to my children but as God usually does, He has had several things in store for me and my personal walk with Him too through the book! Can't wait to see what else is in there.

We got a chance to go deeper into the well known story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. It was a very interesting sermon & Brian did a great job bringing it home in the end. I feel very blessed to be a part of a church family that has 2 pastors who speak God's truths!

Then tonight I got the opportunity to spend some time with some awesome kids leading our Wild Ministries group! It was fabulous to see them having fun with each other & learning God's word. Thank you Lord for giving me Your words and allowing me to work with your children! I can't wait to se what He has in store for me with them too!

Feeling very blessed today & looking forward to another day of summer with my Whos...after an early dentist appointment! :(

Saturday, June 29, 2013

We love games!

Our Saturday started off at the church with some of our church family cleaning out and up!! My organization motivation was so strong after working at the church that I came home to do some in my own house. Gitra live that feeling!
I have had a 1 to 2 weekend project that has obviously taken more than my scheduled time. My goal is to re-do my laundry room (one of those "summer resolutions" that is slowing gaining speed!) I bought some white cabinets from the Habitat Restore (1 of my new favorites) to help me store my mess... because when I say laundry room I actually mean laundry room/craft storage/tastefully simple storage/ & any other random thing storage room. So I have painted half of the walls gray, had assistance from my dear Mr. Who hanging the cabinets on the wall a few weeks ago & FINALLY got some stuff loaded in the cabinets today!! (Yes I am taking baby steps!)
Oh yeah here is the best part while I was working inside Mr. Who was working our deck to put a new hot-tub in! When I say new I mean new to the Who's because we had some generous friends give it to us!!
After our hard work we decided to have some well deserved fun by having a family game night with Marcia, Bobby, Mama, & John!!
Not to bad for a days work! Now time for bed to wake up in the morning & celebrate the Lords Day & worship my Savior with my church family!
(I will post pictures of projects when they are finished)

Friday, June 28, 2013

Great Expectations!

I am not really one for setting New Years Resolutions but this year towards the end of the school year I made a decision to set a few summer resolutions. went about as good as any New Years Resolution usually goes. I failed miserably! !
We have had a busy summer to say the least and things haven't gone quite like I had planned or hoped to plan and as much as I would like to say today is the day it changes...I might as well just say today is the day life will keep going as it has.

One thing I planned on doing was keeping my blog up to we can see that one didn't work!

I can say that although I haven't done it exactly the way I had hoped, one thing I had set out to do was spend more time with my kids doing things they enjoy. So we have had pool days, movie days, friends days, splash in the boro days, & beach days, a week of VBS, 2 softball tournaments, a wedding, & a weekend vacation to Jacksonville Beach !! We have also done some fun things at home too. Since I haven't kept this up to date I am going to add some pictures of a few activities with hopes that from now on I will fo better up dating! We shall see!!